If you aspire to crack the DSSSB exam, remember it will be challenging. You will find tough questions in the exam paper. At the same time, the stiff competition will prevail. As such, haphazard preparation will not work. That means, such a preparation will not let you pass the exam. As such, you should prepare with tried and tested guidelines to ensure passing the exam. You will obtain such guidance from an institute providing the top DSSSB coaching in Karol Bagh. Remember, all institutes cannot provide effective coaching. Therefore, choose the institute wisely to ensure its competency to empower you to pass the exam.
Paper -1 | |
Mathematics | 20 |
Reasoning | 20 |
English | 20 |
Hindi | 20 |
General Knowledge | 20 |
Paper -2 | |
Education Psychology | 100 |
Total | 200 |
Paper -1 | |
Mathematics | 20 |
Reasoning | 20 |
English | 20 |
Hindi | 20 |
General Knowledge | 20 |
Paper -2 | |
Subject Concerned & Teaching Methodology | 100 |
Total | 200 |
Paper -1 | |
Mathematics | 20 |
Reasoning | 20 |
English | 20 |
Hindi | 20 |
General Knowledge | 20 |
Paper -2 | |
Subject Concerned & Teaching Methodology | 200 |
Total | 300 |
At BST Competitive Classes, quality instructions can transform students into exam-ready. As such, they can pass the DSSSB exam on their first attempts. Our expertise is visible in the high success rate. Our excellent DSSSB coaching enables most students to pass the exam. The dedication, expertise, and experience of our faculty members play roles in shaping students. With innovative teaching techniques, they teach students every nook and corner of the subject matter. Due to the effectiveness, students understand the concepts and develop the essential problem-solving skills. We provide the best study materials to students. The excellence of our exam-centric study materials also contributes to our reputation as the provider of the top DSSSB coaching in Karol Bagh. Students can do away with the need to refer to extra study materials due to the exhaustiveness of our best-in-class study materials. Our teachers recognize the need to make students understand the exam pattern. That is why they conduct mock tests. In addition, our dedicated teachers conduct doubt-clearing sessions to remove confusion among students. Moreover, our fees are affordable.
First, determine the DSSSB exam pattern. That will help to formulate an effective plan for the preparation. We at BST Competitive Classes make students understand the exam pattern. Our methodical guidance makes us the provider of top DSSSB coaching in Karol Bagh.
It is the first section. It consists of five sections in an objective paper. The sections are Hindi and comprehension, English, general intelligence & reasoning, numerical ability, and MCQ. Its duration is three hours.
General Awareness | 20 | 20 |
General Intelligence & Reasoning | 20 | 20 |
Numerical Ability | 20 | 20 |
Hindi Language | 20 | 20 |
English Language | 20 | 20 |
MCQ | 200 | 200 |
TOTAL | 300 | 300 |
The second section is Tier II. It consists of objective and descriptive sections. Students pass the sections on their first attempts due to our top DSSSB coaching in Karol Bagh.
You want to succeed in the exam. As such, choose us for excellent mentorship. Our reputation as the provider of top DSSSB coaching in Karol Bagh is visible in our high success rate.
The main reasons to choose us:
We welcome you to visit us at any of our branches. That way, you can interact with our student advisors and learn why you need our best-in-class DSSSB coaching and how we can help you. And we offer SSC Coaching, DSSSB Coaching, CTET Coaching, CLAT Coaching, and more.
Yes, you can. BST Competitive Classes is offering the top DSSSB coaching in the area.
It is difficult if you prepare with the wrong methods. BST Competitive Classes can help you prepare with the best methods, ensuring success.
Yes, it is necessary. Coaching can help you prepare methodically.
Enroll yourself with BST Competitive Classes. The institute can empower you to pass the exam on your next attempt.
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